Fatigue and Happiness
Sometimes we feel so tired that our minds get somewhat confused. We may think something is wrong, we may start to believe that something is off when it is just a matter of energy. Can we be happy and tired? To what extent can we hold these two feelings in our minds?
Sometimes being joyful can make us lose some focus. Because we are not just some robot. We need to sleep, we need some food, and some of our bodily states vary from day to day. Even if it is great to feel some connection between our minds and bodies, there is a reason for us to be able to separate our psychic reality from our corporal experience.
Sometimes it may seem hard to distinguish, and we end up allowing some of these physical states to overwhelm our minds. We end up wondering «why do I feel this way?», especially if we somehow have allowed that thin line between mental exhaustion and fatigue to blur for too long.
Sometimes the explanation is so simple we miss it out. Did we have some lunch? Did we get some rest? Am I just feeling cold or feeling hot? So the next time, before even considering any existential dilemma, try to recall that feeling you get after participating in some fun and challenging sports match where you gave all you had. Now, ask yourself, does my body need a break to enjoy the moment? Sometimes, this small excercise can decide your mind between looping into depression, or onto a virtuous creative cycle of development and optimism.
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