Why keep up?

Why should we choose to stay strong? When options are limited, the mind has a hard time feeling at ease. We love to feel in control: of our life, of our destiny. But we are not, and we project this need on to the outer world.

In fact, we seek for sings of our limited ability to control things outside, when we only can control what is actually inside us, inside the mind. This does not mean we cannot act on the world. We certainly can, and we must. But in this scenario, we can only take care of our will. In my country we have a saying: «One can just lay out what only God will eventually lay down».

We must try to choose to be hopeful because it is in fact one of this very rare things we can actually control, at least up to some point. It will be hard at times, maybe things can seem meaningless. But only maybe, in those moments when the illusion of control seems to vanish in despair, we can find new meaning in keeping up and pushing through that need, onto self-awareness.



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